Get Your Body Ready for Warm Weather!

As the sun comes out and the days get warmer and longer, it’s time to venture out of hibernation! Put away the jumpers, reach for the shorts and t-shirts, and begin to feel wonderful again with bare-arms and bare-legs. 

This year prepare yourself for the sunshine and give yourself the freedom you deserve!


As the warm weather approaches, not only will your fingernails be on show- but your toenails will be too! It’s time to scrub away the winter calluses and dry skin and pop your feet into sandals.  Perfect your nails with a professional gel manicure and pedicure, choosing a vibrant summer shade that will last for weeks! 

Hair Removal

During winter we all have a tendency to let our body hair grow because it is hidden underneath layers of clothes. However, as the weather gets warmer and the layers come off it time to get rid of your unwanted body hair! But shaving is tiresome: the hair grows back quickly and shaving often results in razer-burn and ingrown hairs;  so opt instead for a much more effective hair removal method such as waxing, or permanent laser hair removal.


Remaining indoors all winter can result in us becoming ghastly pale… which can completely knock our self-confidence. If you are feeling disheartened by the paleness of your skin and want a fast, safe and easy way to achieve a perfect tan: get a spray tan! 

Lash and brows

Spring and summer are often the seasons where people enjoy going in the sea, laying in the sun, and spending most of their time outdoors. If you don’t want the hassle of having to apply brow or eyelash makeup everyday (which can easily come off from seawater or sweat) then consider having your brows and lashes tinted/extended for a longer-lasting makeup-look. Whilst you’re at it, its likely your brows need a tidy up so get your brows shaped using wax or threading.

Body positivity

If you feel unhappy with your weight or body shape and limit your clothing and summer activities because of it; then there are treatments that you could consider. I-Lipo and body wrapping are both extremely effective and non-invasive treatments that make a huge difference to your body shape, and your self-confidence as a result!

Tattoo Removal

Do you have a tattoo that you wish you didn’t, and which can’t be hidden by summer clothing? Consider laser tattoo removal as an option to get rid of it once and for all!  Modern laser tattoo removal is safe, relatively pain free, and can remove coloured ink.

At 1192 Clinic we offer all of these beauty treatments and more! We list our treatments online ( where you can book using our website; you can phone us on 01792 651412 or pop into our convenient location at the Liberty Stadium (Free Parking!) and speak to us about all of our treatment options! Get ready for the warm weather by visiting us at the 1192 Clinic!


Why Be Professionally Waxed?


Why You Need Several Laser Hair Removal Appointments